As we reach the end of 2021 and get ready to cross into the year 2022, I am sure everyone is looking expectantly as to what this coming year will bring.

However, we can either let the tide and waves of life to decide what is to come, or we can intentionally take control over our lives so that we can take optimal direction towards where we want to go and how we are planning to get there. Over the course of my 11-year executive life coaching and speaking practice, I have come to the realization that the better way to achieve a more preferred lifestyle is to follow the latter route.

One of the best ways to do this is through goals. However, there are many people who may not be aware as to how best to achieve goals. There are 3 fundamental steps as to how any desirable goals can be achieved.

Step 1: Goal Setting

There are many ways to set your goals. One of the most common is through using the SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely) framework.

While I do not favour any particular framework, I do believe it is more important to be thorough and authentic in setting your goals and, most importantly, never feel that you have to rush yourself to complete your goal setting process.

This 3-step process is one where each step leads fluidly into each other. Hence, at any stage, you can always revisit various stage and make further definitions according to your needs as to how you can achieve your goals.

Step 2: Goal Getting

After you have completed your goal setting process, the next step is to fire up all of your cylinders and get your gears all set into actions.

Momentum is key in this part of achieving your goals and the more refined and defined your Step 1 is, the easier it is to get into your flow and momentum.

Step 3: Goal Journey

The final aspect as to how best to achieve your goals is also the part that is the most often forgotten.

It is vital to enjoy the goal journey. As you advance towards achieving your goals, hiccups and obstacles are bound to occur. Rather than looking at such obstacles as signs that you should give up, you should look at these as opportunities to get better so that you can rise higher!